How to create Android Application on Android Creator ?

Hello friends, welcome you again, in our new post. Friends, as we promised you in the last post that we will teach you in this post to make an Android application on AndroidCreator. In the last post we taught you to make an App on Appsgyser. So friends let's start-
If you follow our steps, you will be able to understand 


Go to your browser and type-

Now the Android Creator website will open, here you have to create an account, if you already have an account on Androidcreator, then OK, click on Sing Up to create an account.

 As soon as you click on Sign Up, a page will open in front of you like the image below, in which you have to fill the detail and click on send.
After a while, an email will appear on your Mailbox containing a confirmation link, clicking this link will require you varify your account.On clicking the link, your account will be confirmed and you can Login.


After login, a page will open in front of you, which you can see in the below image, you will see the Create application botton.You have to click Create Application.                                                           
A page will be opened on your screen titled 'Create App: General Info'.You have to fill in the general info of the application.Firstly you have to write your application tital.After this, upload a application icon, whose should be 9 6 * 9 6.After this you have to enter the app's description.What is your application about, what is the purpose of your app.After doing all this, you have to click the Next botton.                                                                                                                                                  


In the next step, you have to choose the style, choose the color that is suitable for your App.
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